Arriving by train
Moving to Tivoli by train
Many trains daily connect Tivoli with Rome. In day time there are usually about 1-2 trains per hour. Local Train arrives in Tivoli in about 50 minutes, while direct trains in about 35 minutes. The ticket does not depend on the type of train.
Almost all trains arrive and depart in Roma Tiburtina, and very few in Roma Termini. Timetable can be easily found in Both Roma Tiburtina and Roma Termini are served by the underground that will connect you easily will all touristic sites in Rome
Take care not to stop at the station Bagni di Tivoli, it is the wrong one. To arrive in Tivoli you still have to pass the station of Guidonia and Marcellina.
Arriving from Fiumicino Airport
From Fiumicino a good solution to arrive in Tivoli is to catch the train from the airport to Roma Tiburtina (one train every 15 minutes, 35 minutes of trip) and change there with destination Tivoli.
Be careful that there is a direct train to Roma Termini ‘Leonardo Express’ that does not arrive in Roma Tiburtina and is not the best solution for connections to Tivoli.
Price | Ticket |
2,60€ | One way train ticket Rome-Tivoli |
11,00€ | One way train ticket Fiumicino-Tivoli |
1,50€ | One way Underground ticket + 100 minutes on buses inside Rome |
8,00€ | 1 day integrated ticket: BIRG3 (Biglietto Integrato Regionale Giornaliero 3 zone)
1 day unlimited use of trains, underground, regional buses, including Tivoli and all local transport in Rome (Fiumicino is excluded). Valid in the day of first use. |
(*) |
7 days integrated ticket: CIRS3 (Carta Integrate Regionale Settimanale 3 Zone)
7 days unlimited use of trains, underground, regional buses, including Tivoli and Fiumicino Airport, all local transport in Rome. 7 days start from first use. |
(*) |
1 month integrated ticket 3 zones (Mensile 3 zone)
1 month unlimited use of trains, underground, regional buses, including Tivoli and Fiumicino Airport, all local transport in Rome. Validy is for the month of the ticket. |
(*) |
BTR3 3 days tourist ticket (Biglietto turistico regionale 3 zone)
3 days unlimited use of trains, underground, regional buses, including Tivoli and all local transport in Rome (Fiumicino is excluded). Validity of 3 days start from first use. |
(*) Take care to personalize these tickets with name, birthday and zones A and B as in example and print them in the machines at the train station, underground station or on the buses

How to personalize a BIRG Ticket
Info for train timetables and tickets: (available also in English app ‘trenitalia’ for Android and IOS on the app markets)
Available Night Unavailable Night